
Use tools for analysis that collect performance data. Use this data to analyse the success of the service and to translate this into features and tasks for the next phase of development.

How point 6 improves the service

Collecting performance data means they can continuously improve their service by:

  • learning its strengths and weaknesses
  • using the data to support improvements they make


To meet this standard you must be able to show that you collect performance data for your website, your service and your organisation. This could be achieved through a web analytics setup. For more information check out our web analytics documentation.

You must also have staff who are able to interpret performance data. This understanding will be explored during the assessment.

Finally you must show evidence of using performance data to make informed organisational and service design decisions. This could be shown through the use of support tickets telling a story of iteration based on data.

How they’ll be assessed

Their assessment and the questions the assessors ask them will vary depending on their service and what it does.

In the discovery assessment

To pass, the service team usually need to:

  • show that they know what data they will capture from their service, how it will be captured and how it will be analysed
  • explain the output from business analysis including process maps
  • show that they have capacity within the team to make identify and make use of data during alpha

In the alpha and beta assessment

To pass, the service team usually need to:

  • explain how they decided which data they need to capture, where they need to capture it from and how they’ll capture it based on the projected size and shape of the service
  • show they have an ongoing roadmap for performance analysis and someone in the team responsible for identifying actionable data insights during alpha, including assisted digital support
  • show they’ve used qualitative and quantitative data to help improve their understanding of user needs and identify areas for improvement
  • explain how they’ve chosen suitable data analysis tools
  • show they’ve addressed information security and privacy issues appropriately
  • explain how they’ve mapped user journeys through the service and tracked them to identify completions and areas of poor performance
  • show how they’re measuring assisted digital support
  • explain the next performance analysis user story
  • how they’ll collect feedback from users, during and after their user journey
  • show they’ve discussed a start page and an end page with (beta assessment only)