
Put a plan in place for on-going user research and usability testing to continuously seek feedback and input from users to improve the service.

How point 5 improves the service

Doing ongoing user research means they can:

  • check their service is helping users to do the tasks they need to do
  • keep improving the service based on users’ needs

How they’ll be assessed

Their assessment and the questions the assessors ask them will vary depending on their service and what it does.

In the discovery assessment

To pass, the service team usually need to:

  • a plan for continuing engagement and research with users, including those needing assisted digital support, in alpha

In the alpha assessment

To pass, the service team usually need to:

  • show what their private beta will look like and how they’ll use what they find to improve the service
  • show that they will pay for user research, service design and usability tests throughout the design of the service and after it’s built
  • show how often they’ll carry out research and usability tests and how they’ll use the results to improve the design of their service
  • show a user research plan for private beta and a plan for carrying out user research on the live service

In the beta assessment

To pass, the service team usually need to:

  • show that they will pay for user research, service design and usability tests throughout the design of the service and they’ll be able to pay after the service is built
  • show how often they’ll carry out research and usability tests and how the results will affect the way they design the service
  • show a user research plan for the service at the next phase and a plan for carrying out user research on the live service
  • show how they’ve done user research with people who have accessibility needs from the time they started designing the service
  • show how they’ve tested with users who need assisted digital support
  • show how they’re using analytics data in their user research plan for the service
  • show any problems they’ve found through testing and how they solved them
  • show any problems they haven’t been able to solve in beta and how they’ll handle them in public beta